Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) by County

Get the list of all Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the United States with corresponding list of Counties (and counterparts) associated with each ZCTA, and details including: the government type of the County's Equivalent or counterpart (Borough, Census Area, City, County, District, Federal District, Municipality, Municipio, Parish, Unincorporated Territory, Unorganized Atoll), the Land Area and Water Area of both ZCTA and County, and how much Land Area and Water Area of that County is assigned to that ZCTA.

ZCTA Codes are ZIP Codes that are used by the Census Bureau to represent population blocks or tabulation areas. For tabulation blocks that contain housing units, the ZCTA Code is the ZIP Code associated with the most addresses in that block. Only populated areas are included in the Census data, and thus ZIP Codes that only serve PO Boxes have no corresponding ZCTA.

The list is sorted by State name, then County name, and then ZCTA Code.

Row #ZCTA CodeState Abbr.County NameCounty EquivalentZCTA
Land Area
(sq meters)
Water Area
(sq meters)
Land Area
(sq meters)
Water Area
(sq meters)
Land Area
(sq meters)
Water Area
(sq meters)
98399612AKAleutians EastBorough6386756195939881809167253320799851130638675619593988
98499661AKAleutians EastBorough4615197151210343251809167253320799851130461519715121034325
98599546AKAleutians WestCensus Area840027111337241111377885025251836357548400271113372411
98699547AKAleutians WestCensus Area20650663168113778850252518363575420650663168
98799591AKAleutians WestCensus Area9008154384922151137788502525183635754900815438492215
98899638AKAleutians WestCensus Area342011130189873011377885025251836357543420111301898730
98999660AKAleutians WestCensus Area109514405692047211377885025251836357541095144056920472
99099685AKAleutians WestCensus Area14588095419260937113778850252518363575414588095419260937
99199692AKAleutians WestCensus Area859783011377885025251836357548597830
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983,"99612","AK","Aleutians East","Borough",63867561,9593988,18091672533,20799851130,63867561,9593988
984,"99661","AK","Aleutians East","Borough",461519715,121034325,18091672533,20799851130,461519715,121034325
985,"99546","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",84002711,13372411,11377885025,25183635754,84002711,13372411
986,"99547","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",20650663,168,11377885025,25183635754,20650663,168
987,"99591","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",90081543,8492215,11377885025,25183635754,90081543,8492215
988,"99638","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",342011130,1898730,11377885025,25183635754,342011130,1898730
989,"99660","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",109514405,6920472,11377885025,25183635754,109514405,6920472
990,"99685","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",145880954,19260937,11377885025,25183635754,145880954,19260937
991,"99692","AK","Aleutians West","Census Area",859783,0,11377885025,25183635754,859783,0
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ColumnsTypeMax LengthExample
(unique to each row)
5 1159
ZCTA Code TEXT 5 99519
State Abbr. TEXT 2 AK
County Name TEXT 21 North Slope
County Equivalent TEXT 24 Borough
ZCTA Land Area (sq meters) NUMBER 11 5533233625
ZCTA Water Area (sq meters) NUMBER 10 546796806
County Land Area (sq meters) NUMBER 12 230052127559
County Water Area (sq meters) NUMBER 11 15551055437
Land Area Part (sq meters) NUMBER 12 5533233625
Water Area Part (sq meters) NUMBER 11 546796806

About the website

This website is not affiliated with any organization. All the lists available on this website were obtained by processing publicly available records from various authorized government agencies such as the USPS, USGS, and the US Census Bureau. The raw data had been carefully collected, cleaned up, fixed, matched, consolidated and deduplicated (rid of any duplicates) in order to produce the most accurate and complete list as of December 2022.

The lists are well-formatted and can be directly imported as tables to any SQL/Database server without the need to edit file or fix any data.

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