Get the list of all Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the United States with corresponding global location or coordinates (Latitude and Longitude), Land Area and Water Area.
ZCTA Codes are ZIP Codes that are used by the Census Bureau to represent population blocks or tabulation areas. For tabulation blocks that contain housing units, the ZCTA Code is the ZIP Code associated with the most addresses in that block. Only populated areas are included in the Census data, and thus ZIP Codes that only serve PO Boxes have no corresponding ZCTA.
The list is sorted by ZCTA Code.
(Note: The list contains both 2020 and 2022 ZCTA Codes. Some ZCTA codes from 2022 are not in 2020, and vice versa.)
Row # | ZCTA Code | Land Area (sq meters) | Water Area (sq meters) | Land Area (sq miles) | Water Area (sq miles) | Latitude | Longitude |
15101 | 45331 | 391559264 | 1504779 | 151.182 | 0.581 | 40.098606 | -84.650546 |
15102 | 45332 | 34943535 | 163521 | 13.492 | 0.063 | 40.000294 | -84.775986 |
15103 | 45333 | 58763162 | 656316 | 22.689 | 0.253 | 40.249464 | -84.331774 |
15104 | 45334 | 69786852 | 61848 | 26.945 | 0.024 | 40.443193 | -84.047814 |
15105 | 45335 | 213228044 | 898454 | 82.328 | 0.347 | 39.639814 | -83.741198 |
15106 | 45336 | 1353774 | 9902 | 0.523 | 0.004 | 40.442745 | -84.257263 |
15107 | 45337 | 53840870 | 59700 | 20.788 | 0.023 | 39.981474 | -84.422600 |
15108 | 45338 | 127527449 | 387578 | 49.239 | 0.150 | 39.850930 | -84.543947 |
15109 | 45339 | 36236488 | 542413 | 13.991 | 0.209 | 40.008963 | -84.340718 |
15110 | 45340 | 62293773 | 136938 | 24.052 | 0.053 | 40.368571 | -84.052152 |
"id","ZCTA_CODE","ALAND_SQM","AWATER_SQM","ALAND_SQMI","AWATER_SQMI","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE" 15101,"45331",391559264,1504779,151.182,0.581,40.098606,-84.650546 15102,"45332",34943535,163521,13.492,0.063,40.000294,-84.775986 15103,"45333",58763162,656316,22.689,0.253,40.249464,-84.331774 15104,"45334",69786852,61848,26.945,0.024,40.443193,-84.047814 15105,"45335",213228044,898454,82.328,0.347,39.639814,-83.741198 15106,"45336",1353774,9902,0.523,0.004,40.442745,-84.257263 15107,"45337",53840870,59700,20.788,0.023,39.981474,-84.422600 15108,"45338",127527449,387578,49.239,0.150,39.850930,-84.543947 15109,"45339",36236488,542413,13.991,0.209,40.008963,-84.340718 15110,"45340",62293773,136938,24.052,0.053,40.368571,-84.052152
Columns | Type | Max Length | Example |
Row # | NUMBER (unique to each row) |
5 | 33778 |
ZCTA Code | TEXT (unique to each row) |
5 | 99557 |
Land Area (sq meters) | NUMBER | 11 | 35426845132 |
Water Area (sq meters) | NUMBER | 10 | 263215299 |
Land Area (sq miles) | DECIMAL | 8,3 | 13678.382 |
Water Area (sq miles) | DECIMAL | 7,3 | 101.628 |
Latitude | DECIMAL | 8,6 | 61.468883 |
Longitude | DECIMAL | 9,6 | -155.215247 |
This website is not affiliated with any organization. All the lists available on this website were obtained by processing publicly available records from various authorized government agencies such as the USPS, USGS, and the US Census Bureau. The raw data had been carefully collected, cleaned up, fixed, matched, consolidated and deduplicated (rid of any duplicates) in order to produce the most accurate and complete list as of December 2022.
The lists are well-formatted and can be directly imported as tables to any SQL/Database server without the need to edit file or fix any data.
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